About Us

Louise Radloff

Executive Director

Louise was a Gwinnett County School Board Member for 47 years, the majority of those years spent as the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the board.

She has been our Executive Director since ICI was founded.  

She is Chairman of the Board of Health and still works tirelessly with the Board of Health to facilitate cooperation and assistance between education, and mental and public health. 

Shari Simmons


Shari is a business professional who retired after more than 42 years of service and has presided over our board since ICI was founded.

She worked in partnership with Gwinnett County Public Schools to provide our free services to Gwinnett County and as ICI continues to provide those services to the community of Gwinnett and surrounding areas.

Kathy Marks


Kathy taught elementary students as well as teachers in the field for the Gwinnett County School System for 12 years, specializing in gifted education.

She is currently a Retention Specialist at Gwinnett Technical College, helping students navigate college from application to graduation.

Kathy has worked with ICI for over 20 years as a volunteer, employee, and has been a Board member since ICI was founded.

We began as a small group of people from our church reaching out to our immigrant neighbors to get to know them and help them acclimate to their newest environment. We operated, informally, as St. James Meadowcreek International Community, from April 2000, through August 2002, attempting to teach English as a Second Language to adults in the community and offering academic assistance to children in Gwinnett County Public Schools who were struggling to achieve grade level and/or failing. We officially incorporated in September 2002 and became Interlocking Communities, Inc., or ICI (pronounced ICEE).


Because we are education-focused, we offer programs to the people in our community free of charge. We apply for grants from other organizations and rely on any funds granted as well as all donations received from the public to operate our programs.

We partnered with Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) for more than 20 years to provide free academic assistance to its students and English language learning services to the students’ parents, and all adults in Gwinnett and surrounding areas. We still provide those same free services.